JourneyCircles™ provides a simple yet infinitely creative way to delve deep into the our personal and collective soul. There with our souls, through collage and intuitive layering, we can enter a healing conversation using the power of image, symbol as multidimensional and healing language.
“JourneyCircles™ uses principles of depth work, expressive arts, transformative process, and art as healing. Working with visual narrative, ones own inner language will offer an opportunity to consciously experience symbolic, archetypal, mythic and metaphoric energies.”
– Cat Caracelo, Founder of the JourneyPath Institute and the JourneyCircles process
Why is the circle or mandala so symbolically potent?
The symbol of circle or the spiral is connected with our collective indigenous soul. Intuitively we recognize it as belonging to our soul’s language and feel connected with it as a multi-dimensional form capable of transforming our lives and our collective wounds. Within the the circle exists all possibility, simultanous and instantly. From within the circle we are able to access knowledge and wisdom about our own lives and are able to heal or activate different parts of our selves and relationship to Spirit. The Circle is both an ending and beginning, and a container for all that it is.
Within the Journey Circles Process, we start with a simple circle and place symbols and words into this space. Sometimes it happens spontaneously as we allow our Soul to speak outloud through the images. Other times we can choose to be more deliberate and intentional, seeking out images that we wish to converse with or draw forward into our lives.
In addition to being a tradtional Native singer, ritual specialist and intutive reader, I proud to share that I am also a JourneyCircles™ facilitator and have received advance training offered by the JourneyPath Institute.