I am spirit singer and story keeper.
I am finder of what has been lost, broken and fragmented.
I am the lead lady on the late night clean up crew.
I paint drippy messes, sew crooked lines and spin winding tales as a way of making straight all that has gone wrong and desperately seeks to be made right.
It is my woundedness and willingness, rather than wisdom, that led me to places where I learned that the most powerful healing is often woven from tattered shawls and earth-stained hands.
I want to invite you to join me. To walk with me for a bit. To share our stories and sing our songs. To journey through circles and spirals, tending to our souls and keeping wisdm alive. But I was warned at least once, and so you should be too. This journey of meaning-making, wisdom weaving, soul singing is not easy. It challenges us to surrender what we think we know, who we think we are and what we think we must do. But I promise you that if you choose it, in time a part of you will recognize the life you were destined for. And perhaps before it is all over and the last song has been sung you can say it has been a true blessing in its own way to be reconnected with a life that was amazing beyond your wildest dreams and yet was so inexplicably you that you cannot deny, although you do not understand how, that it was you that dreamed it into being so very, very long ago.
You can also connect with me through social media on facebook, instagram. In addition to being a traditional Native singer, ritual specialist and author of the "Healing Her Story Oracle Deck" , I proud to share that I am also a JourneyCircles™ facilitator and have received advance training offered by the JourneyPath Institute.